When Enough is Enough

Monday, May 12, 2014

Unless you have been on Mars for the past few years I'm sure you have noticed the huge health craze lately. While I feel like it is definitely important to take care of yourself and eat nutritious food and get enough exercise, sometimes I wonder if we take it too far.

As I scroll through social media I see people making themselves completely miserable. Scolding themselves for indulging in one small sweet treat, beating themselves up for failing, and forcing themselves to engage in a physical activity they hate over and over and over again. What is the point? Shouldn't we enjoy the journey to better health and fitness?

I've found myself caught up in the craze to be incredibly fit. When I was in high school I struggled with this more than any other time in my life. I couldn't sit and watch a TV show without alternating between sit ups, crunches, and push ups. I stayed up late working out in my bedroom so that my family wouldn't tease me about it. I couldn't ever relax because I felt like I had to constantly be moving. My senior year of high school included cheerleading practice every day, a weight training class during the day, and then hours of exercise at home. It was too much.

I met up with a health counselor at a coffee shop when I was 17 years old and we talked about this.She had given a presentation in my culinary arts class and she got in contact with me after class. I was aware of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia but never really thought about myself as having a problem. I ate plenty but I had an obsession with exercise.

Luckily I grew out of this in college after a very conscious effort on my part. Very few people know about this besides my husband but I feel like it is important enough to share with others.

Don't make yourself miserable! It is okay to indulge in something sweet. It is okay to choose a night in instead of every night at the gym. I definitely endorse a healthy diet and plenty of physical activity, but it is not worth making yourself miserable.


  1. What a great reminder! There are fun and safe ways to stay healthy and active!

  2. I totally agree with you...unfortunately, my little indulgences have been the problem...but I just can't stop!

  3. I am currently on my journey to a healthier life and this is a great reminder, so thank you ♥

  4. I definitely think that the quest for "health" can be taken too far. Balance is definitely needed!

  5. I love this post so much- I think it's so easy to just get on board with new health trends without really researching what's actually good for your body-- not to mention what's mentally healthy!

  6. Fantastic post-- I think also the downside of the craze is really for the wrong reasons: to "look attractive" and fit in with society's standard of beauty.

  7. You're such a good writer, Kelsey! And this is an important message. Thanks so much for sharing such a personal story. You're a rock star!

  8. I'm glad you wrote this. I think everyone thinks they need to go- go- go to be in the loop of things.

  9. Thanks for sharing Kels!!! I don't think we ever really consider this to be a problem.

  10. I couldn't agree with you more - you need to let yourself indulge in a sweet treat! I am working towards eating healthier, but I am going to let myself "cheat" whenever I want to. That's the only way I see myself sticking with it.

  11. Women are so hard on each other. Thank god celebrities like Sophia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson are reinforcing it's sexier to be healthier. Nothing says sexy like being confident at any body size! Thanks for the moral support! We need more women like you cheering each other on! :)

  12. Thank you so much for sharing. Girl, this is so true. I HATE all these "health fads" and "crazes"....all the diet pills that make promises for things that won't happen. It makes it hard for women to want to try to be healthy the RIGHT way and to love the way we look. I'm proud of you for sharing :) thanks for being so bold. Our fitness journey's should be fun!

  13. I agree let's enjoy the journey to a healthier you not starve our selves to get there. Thanks for sharing and a good reminder to all x


  14. I seriously needed to hear this. Just because I want to be more fit does NOT mean I need to make myself miserable. There's a difference. And I need to remember that. Thanks, love! I miss the crap out of you.

  15. I completely agree. I'm all for getting and staying healthy but man oh man there has to be some grace there. I would be one grumpy honery mother bear if I wasn't going to allow myself to eat something just for the fear of wrecking my body image. Teaching my girl's good body image is important to me and their little ears listen to everything. Definitely trying to be mindful in not only what I say but what they see me do. Great post!

  16. I am in the health craze to a point.. but I am trying to be reasonable about it. Thank you for the reminder.

  17. Being health is great and all, but we're human. We aren't perfect. People can be so hard on themselves sometimes, it's really sad.

  18. Brilliant! Right now I am actually losing weight too fast, and I am always hungry. I eat constantly, as much as I remember to with the two girls, and I can't figure out why. Probably a thyroid issue since they run in my family, but I felt bad eating oreos the other day and then I realized I could use the fat!

  19. Amazing post! I'm all about eating whatever whenever wherever, but I do feel like I need some balance. I think that's the toughest part - finding the right balance between being healthy and being happy.


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