Packing Light + Giveaway!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Incase you couldn't tell from instagram I am out and about exploring the east coast for the next couple weeks. One thing that is huge to me is packing light. It's a big priority to me because a.) who wants to pay for a checked bag b.) who wants to lug extra suitcases around on a subway to the hotel c.) it takes up way less room in the hotel.

Packing light means not bringing a huge bag of makeup. Usually I feel like I need to bring a massive toiletry bag because who knows when unexpected blemishes will appear or if my skin will just be looking tired and uneven from the jet lag, lack of sleep, and change in pace.

As I've mentioned before, Glymed Plus is basically the best skincare line out there, A couple months ago I finally completely changed my skin care routine exclusively to Glymed Plus and I honestly can't believe how different my skin feels already. My main focus for my skin was treating and preventing sun damage, hyperpigementation, and dark spots. What I didn't realize was how luminous, firm, and supple my skin would end up feeling.

I can't tell you how good it feels to be on vacation and not have to lug around all my makeup. Not to mention all the extra layers on my skin when it's hot, muggy, and humid outside. I actually feel confident enough to brave the streets of New York City where people are looking pretty dang good all the time and not be self conscious about my skin.

Cheers to feeling beautiful and confident in your own skin! What better way to kick off a start to beautiful skin than to give away two of my favorite products? Make sure to enter below!


  1. so great! I would love to win something like this to try out!

  2. I have tried a few of glymed plus samples and I LOVE IT!!!!! One of their creams seriously made my face feel baby butt soft. I would love to win this!


    XoXo Marie
    Lets swap ads?

  4. awesome!
    Your skin looks amaaazing!


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