
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Playing Tourist With Visitors

Labor Day was packed full of sightseeing and playing tourist as Tim's parents and cousin were in town visiting us for the holiday! The weekend flew by and we didn't get to everything on our list but we were able to see a lot of things and have a ton of fun doing it.

Friday night we drove down south to Palo Alto to hit up our favorite Thai restaurant in the area, Bangkok Cuisine. I go for the Thai Musalim Chicken Curry. Every time. YUM! Afterwards we walked the cute twinkle lit streets followed with one of my favorite desserts, Cream. Is there anything better than 2 hot cookies with yummy ice cream in the middle?

Saturday was busy! We woke up early to catch the ferry to Angel Island and Alcatraz. I hadn't been to Alcatraz since I was about 12 and I have always been curious about what was on Angel Island but had never been. Of course we had to stop at the Farmer's Market for a few minutes before we headed over to the dock. Tim was quite pleased to try his first oyster and the sweet gal even gave it to him on the house. I love trying all the fresh produce and seeing all the fun vendors. We had THE MOST incredible italian donut I have ever had in my life. It was seriously life changing. It was so light and fluffy and filled with this incredible custard. Okay I'll stop now, but I am seriously a fan. Okay, on to our ferry ride to Alcatraz and Angel Island!

It was so fun getting the greatest view of the city on the ferry ride out. Our first stop was Angel Island. We hopped off the ferry and onto a tram to take a tour all the way around the island. I had no idea that Angel Island is the "Ellis Island of the West." It was fun to see all the buildings but also all the wildlife and campsites around. It definitely made we want to come back and ride bikes all around the island. We hopped back on the boat and made our way over to Alcatraz. Tim and I watched a documentary on Netflix about Alcatraz a few weeks ago so we were excited to see everything that we had heard about in the video. While we were on Alcatraz there was actually a former inmate that was there signing a book he had written about his sentence there. It was kind of bizarre because he was the cutest elderly man and was so friendly but he definitely had a crazy past. I talked with him for a few minutes and it was definitely an interesting experience. He kept it a secret that he was a former Alcatraz inmate for 51 years and then just recently came out about it with his book. Talk about crazy.

Sunday we had a great morning at church and then made our way over to Half Moon Bay. We relaxed on the beach and ate some snacks and then made our way up to Moss Beach. It is just a couple miles north of Half Moon Bay and is totally different. There are hardly any people there and it is just absolutely beautiful. Walking trails, tide pools, harbor seals galore (usually, they must have taken Labor Day off as well this time), incredible views, basically anything you could ever want in a Sunday afternoon. The weather was glorious and we were able to catch the sunset right as it hit the water.

Monday we headed back up to San Francisco to try to hit a few more attractions before my in laws had to head back to the airport. We took a walk along the Palace of Fine Arts, ooh and ahhed over incredible homes and then drove over the Golden Gate Bridge to check out Sausalito. We checked out the cute boutiques and then hit up this restaurant we have been wanting to try and oh my gosh it did not disappoint. Avatars is like an Indian-Mexican fusion and it sounds bizarre but it is incredible. Our waiter took our menus away and just told him to tell us what foods and flavors we like and don't like and what we can't eat and then he came up with something for each of us to eat. It was pretty cool. I ended up with pumpkin chicken enchiladas. I can't stop thinking about it. So yummy.

We ended our Labor Day with a barbecue with friends and then reminiscing about our two happy years of marriage because it was our Anniversary! I am a lucky girl and feel so blessed to have this spectacular guy along my side for the long haul. Also thanks to my sweet friend Kirsten for snapping these fun beachy shots of us last weekend. It was the perfect way to celebrate two years!


  1. You got some great pictures of your weekend!!! You're brave to just let the guy create something for you to eat ;)

  2. I love the pics! Looks absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Wow looks like a beautiful weekend with good company, scenery and eats! I love Thai curry as well ;-)

  4. that dessert looks amazing. i'm adding it to the must do list come november :)

  5. Love the pictures, Kelsey. Reading this brings our lovely weekend back to my mind. We had such a good time with you both. Thanks for being our tour guides and chauffeur.

  6. So fun and so beautiful! Love that last picture of you two!


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