
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

5 Things I'm Loving

Walks to the library
I tutor at the library twice a week so the mile walk is familiar enough I could do it in my sleep. It feels so therapeutic to just turn my brain off and let my thoughts wander while enjoying fresh air and the perfect weather we get here in the bay area. 

The Body Book
It seems kind of crazy reading a "health book" by Cameron Diaz but this book is seriously so good. It is all about how to love and embrace the natural abilities and capabilities of your body and learning how to fuel it and keep it healthy all while keeping a healthy positive attitude. I am about halfway through it right now and can't put it down!

Getting out of my Comfort Zone 
I've really been trying to make a conscious effort to do things lately that put me out of my comfort zone. I think this is so important and really helps stretch you and mold you into becoming a stronger individual. I may not always show it but I am naturally pretty shy and it feels good to let go of some of my inhibitions are try things that are new and different.

It has been a while since we had visitors so I am so excited for Tim's family to come visit this weekend! We have some really great things planned and I can't wait to show them around our neck of the woods. It can be tough to live thousands of miles away from family so visits are definitely the best. We can't wait!

English Muffins With Avocado
I am totally addicted. It is so simple but so yummy. I just toast me english muffin and then slice up an avocado and put it on top. I am supposed to add more salt to my diet so I sprinkle a little salt on top and it is amazing. Add a slice of tomato and you have the perfect snack! 


  1. If I hadn't just put all of my money into buying a house, I would totally come and visit you!!!!

  2. Getting out of my comfort zone is always soooo challenging. Good for you for making it a conscious effort!

  3. Been thinking about reading the Body Book but wasn't sure if it would be too much for me....Sounds like I might have to try it out :)


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