
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to School Gap Gift Card Giveaway

Today I started my first day of my internship with Project Read and I finally feel like I am getting close to graduation! This is my last semester until I graduate. I feel like I am always getting the question of what I am going to do once I graduate and I honestly have no idea. Any tips for a girl who is a Marriage & Family Studies major and also a Master Esthetician? Just a little bit random, I know.

With the first hints of fall in the air (for you guys, I am pretty sure fall is nowhere near us here in California) I figured what better way to celebrate the change in season than with a little back to school giveaway?? I've teamed up with these 5 lovely ladies and we have a $60 gift card to Gap up for grabs. You are going to want to get in on this action, I know I would! Good luck!!

                   Karina @ Mr. and Mrs. Powell                              Courtney @ From Here to Eternity
                    Kelsey @ Stories of Kel                                                Rachel @ Rachel Sayumi 
                     Alycia @ Crowley Party                                        Ashley @ Words About Waverly


  1. Good luck with your first day interning!! I hope you love it!

  2. I would spend it on a work appropriate dress for my internship! Hope yours goes well!

  3. Following now, so glad I found you through this giveaway!!!!!

  4. Ahh! I'd love to get some new jeans if I won. :)

  5. Good luck interning!!

    I'd love to spend it on my some new work clothes. I tend to wear the same things over and over again. Haha oops.

  6. yay back to school clothes!!!!


  7. I definitely need some more teaching clothes! I'd love some cardigans as we get closer to the cooler months. It will definitely be fall and colder weather here before we know it; lucky you for being in warmer weather!


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