
Saturday, August 9, 2014

The City of Brotherly Love

We spent the first few days  of our trip in New York City and then we were off to Philadelphia. We have always wanted to go to Philly but have never made it out there. We had the time to squeeze it into our summer trip this year so we had to do it! 

I really fell in love with this city. There is so much history and it is pretty amazing to see it all. From Independence Hall to the Liberty Bell there was just so many cool things to see. We were also able to meet up with great friends which is always an extra bonus! Have I mentioned how incredible the architecture is in this city? I was swooning the whole time. 

Highlights from this trip:

Reading Terminal Market - Such a cool place. Awesome meats, cheeses, treats, and things for lunch. We fell in love with the fresh triple berry lemonade (we may have bought a half gallon!) and the black and white cookie.

Tour of Independence Hall - The national park guides giving these tours were so knowledgable and it was really fun to learn some fun facts about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. 

Boathouse Row - We never would have found this because it was out of walking distance but luckily our friends took us over to the river to see Boathouse Row. The houses are gorgeous and reminded me a lot of the boathouses in Boston. 

I can't forget the philly cheesesteaks. I'm not the hugest fan but this was probably Tim's favorite part of the trip. He definitely tried a handful of sandwiches. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot to send you food places!!! Bah, I fail!!! I'm glad you had fun and found Cheesesteaks. I'm not a massive fan of them either, so I understand ;)


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