
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Patriotic Week in DC & Giveaway Winner!

We had so much fun in DC! We left Philadelphia in the pouring rain and hopped on the bus to Washington DC. Besides being majorly car sick and soggy from the rain it was not a bad ride. It was fun to see more of the east coast as we drove through it. 

We were trying to make this trip as low cost as possible so we decided to take the short 3 mile walk from Union Station to our hotel with all 4 of our bags in the middle of a hot August day. Let's just say it felt great to take a cool shower once we got to our room!

We relaxed and explored around our hotel the first night before our busy day of museums the following day. I am a little crazy about WWII things. I love reading books, watching movies, and visiting museums about it. It started at a young age but I really developed a deeper interest in it in college when my weight training teacher told me about his experience surviving the holocaust as a young boy. With that being sad the first item on the list was the holocaust museum. I have been wanting to see this for years so I was so glad that we got to go on this trip. It was absolutely incredible. I think everyone needs to see it. There was one exhibit where I just lost it though. You walk in and see 4,000 pairs of shoes in a pile that were gathered from a camp in Poland. Visually it was just overwhelming and then the smell... It was a really emotional experience for me. 

After that we toured the capitol building. It was really neat to see what it looked like on the inside and how different the old no longer used rooms are from the modern ones. On our last day we went to several of the Smithsonian museums and walked around the monuments. It was so hot and we seemed to walk and walk and walk. We mapped it out and we had walked about 90-100 miles so far on our trip of NYC, Philly, & DC. 

We of course saw lots of protests while we were in DC as well. The first day in DC we were able to get right up by the fence of the white house but after that there were barriers and tons of policemen. It was really interesting being in DC during the peak of all the ISIS craziness. I have never seen as many policemen or heard as many sirens as our few days in DC. It was pretty chaotic. 

We definitely fell in love with the east coast during this trip. I think we could live without the humidity though. There is basically no point in doing any hair & makeup. It is all a hot mess in about 20 minutes. 

The next morning my brother & sister in law and my cute niece came and picked us up. More on our trip to Richmond next time!

PS the winner of the Glymed Plus giveaway is Karrie Smith! Congratulations!!


  1. I love your pictures. You've inspired us to go to Philly next month as part of our DC trip. We'll have to get some tips from yhou.

  2. I absolutely love DC! Looks like y'all got to do a good amount. Isn't the Holocaust museum just amazing? I went in high school, but would love to go back now.

  3. Oh I love the East Coast (although before you rule it out you need to get up to New England :) ... we were in DC just two months ago and I'm glad you had so much fun! (and i can only imagine the heat..two months ago I was dying..)

  4. There were tons of African dignitaries in town too so the police-led motorcades were crazy! :)

  5. ahhh DC! our old stomping grounds. i miss living there! i hope you ate at founding farmers or eastern market! library of congress is also my favorite building in the USA. glad you went to the holocaust museum...always a draining experience, but so powerful.



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