
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Virginia is for Lovers

We've finally reached the end of our summer trip to the east coast! We finished up in Richmond, VA to visit family there. As I was looking through my photos I realized we didn't all get a picture together. Bummer! 

Nate and Erica and Emerson (Tim's brother, his wife, and our niece) picked us up from our hotel in DC and we made the drive to the DC temple so they could go while we watched Emerson. We had so much fun playing aunt and uncle to that little cutie. This is definitely one of my favorite ages. 

We spent the next couple days exploring the area. I think my favorite part was walking along the James river. It was really cool to see a bridge that was burned down during the Civil War. You could still see remnants of it which was really neat. 

Of course we also ate lots of great food. Before we even got to Nate and Erica's we stopped at this incredible dessert spot. I think the photo explains itself. 

We love seeing family and definitely cherish the time we have together since we don't see family as much now that we are in California. We especially loved seeing Nate and Erica because they have lived on the other side of the country for as long as we have been married. We fell in love with little Emerson and can't wait to met your new little guy next time we see them! 


  1. AWW!! YAY I wish I would have known you were coming to Richmond. I would have loved to meet you. So happy that you went to Shyndigz (dessert place) :D

  2. I was just at the DC temple the other day while in town!

  3. Beautiful pictures!!! I LOVE the DC temple, it's gorgeous!

  4. YAY! So jealous of all this traveling. I've only been to VA once and I was really young! You two are so cute :)

  5. The east coast is so fun! I've only been a couple times, but as a western US girl, it's always fun to see what is over there : )


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