
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer Goals...Fun Ones!

A few weeks ago I created a bucket list of things I wanted to do during our time here in the Bay Area. It always seems like summer comes and goes so fast that I definitely want to make the most of it this year. I love making lists of goals but sometimes they are not the most fun thing to do. That is why I decided to make a list of fun ones I want to complete this summer!

Visit as many places as I can that I have never been to before

Find the best fish taco in the whole city 

Make new friends

Meet all our neighbors in our apartment

Visit Utah and hug everyone I've missed

Go to a barbecue. Or two. Or three.

Spend a day at the beach

Find the best dessert

Go on lots of night time walks 

Make the perfect green smoothie

Spend lots of time with friends

Go on a weekend adventure

Explore the coast

Have lots of picnics in the park

Lay out and watch the stars 

Read lots of books 

Do something scary

What is on your list this summer? What are you planning to do to make this summer really fun? 


  1. I definitely want to make sure to fit in plenty of fun this summer! It's a good idea to make some plans ahead of time because it speeds by!

  2. The meeting the whole apartment neighbor thing sounds so great! It could so fulfill the do something scary one, too!

  3. Go to Yellowstone and make salsa!

  4. I actually want to explore Half Moon Bay this summer, I've never been!

  5. Fun goals you have there. I should set some too x

  6. This makes me just so excited for summer...its going to be SO busy!!! :) I hope you can accomplish everything on your fun list!

  7. What a great list of goals! I love setting goals and will have to do a blog post about my summer goals!

  8. This is such a great list! The beach and lots of books & BBQ are going to be on my list as well this summer!

  9. I'm definitely doing some of these things on the list! I am going to think about what else I'd like to do and/or follow your list! <3

  10. Sounds like a fantastic way to spend the summer! I get to spend it at home with my little ones before going back to work in September so I just want to make the most of it... even if it's just spending every moment together in our back yard playing in the pool, might be helpful to put together a list like this too!

  11. Those all sound like really fun goals!! My biggest goal this year is to hike more :D

  12. What a great list! I seriously need to sit down and do this. It would make me feel like I actually accomplished something! Even if it is having fun! I would love to go on picnics and do a little bit of exploring!

  13. Came across your blog and it's darling! love your list!!

  14. I feel like I need some fun summer goals.. but we just bought a car so we have no money for fun. BOOOO... haha.

  15. I love bucket lists! Reading more books is definitely on my summer list this year.

  16. We've been working on our summer goals too, ours are very similar to yours, a lot of low key and inexpensive activities that still have lots to offer in the memory making.

  17. Great list! I haven't been to the beach in years, so that's my goal this summer!

  18. Stopping by from SITS FB link today. I love your goals for the summer. I am working on posting my June goals. Can't believe summer is here! I love how you mentioned going on more night walks... I think the same thing. Sunset is such a great time to get outside and enjoy the end of the day.

  19. These are perfect goals for summer!!! :) I need to make a list :P My house has just kind of taken over. hahaha

  20. As a lifelong Texan, I do love going to barbecues! Going to one tomorrow night actually.

  21. Those are lovely goals... Mmmm, Fish Tacos. Want.

  22. Your summer goals sound like a lot of fun!

    Mine include riding as many different bike trails as possible, reading, grilling out and hitting some festivals. I'm so happy to have beautiful weather again in my corner of the world!

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