
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I've Got a Travel Bug

Today I finally decided to get a passport. Any scheduled international trips? Nope. But how in the world do you expect yourself to finally bite the bullet and travel the world without a passport?

I've traveled internationally just a bit on a cruise but I haven't really gotten out there and really started exploring the world quite yet. It is all a bit overwhelming. How in the world are you supposed to pick where you want to go first when you want to see the whole world? Living in the bay area makes traveling to Asia a lot more practical and affordable but how do I know if that is where I want to go right off the bat? Should I ease into it with an English speaking country? 

Next, how in the world does anyone sit on a plane for 20 hours? I can think of about a million things I would rather do. I can't sleep on planes and I get so fidgety. I think I might just jump out of the plane from sitting there for so long. Also, I know a little bit of Spanish and that is about it. What if I can't communicate with the people wherever I am and end up stranded at a bus stop in the ghetto with no money and I can't speak the bus driver's language? Oh wait, that has already happened once. 

For all you world travelers who I admire so--
How did you get started? How did you decide where to travel to first?


  1. Just pick a place and go!!!! Really. You have to start somewhere. My first international was Europe. We're going to Cancun this month.

  2. Close your eyes, spin a globe, and put your finger down :) That's what I've always wanted to do!

  3. I am with Kenzie! Spin a globe!!!

  4. If you are thinking about Asia, a friend of mine and her husband just finished six months hopping around Asia and she blogged all about it here: She definitely sold me on planning my next big trip to Asia. Personally, I have been to the Caribbean and England/France. If you want to explore and learn about history, London and France are definitely great places to start!

  5. I've never been outside of Canada. We are currently working on passports for the family so we can go to California next year - I've always wanted to be one of those people who picked up and went on vacation at the last minute (not possible at the moment with young ones, but one day)

  6. I started my travels when I was a young child, so my parents decided all of the spots. I enjoy Europe because european history is something I like to learn about. So I go to museums and all that! I personally would rather visit Europe than tropical vacation spots, but I've been to both.
    You have to decide what kind of travelling you're into! It's okay if you don't know the language of the country where you are going, I've been to France, Italy, Poland and some others where I did not know the language. You'd be surprised at how many people can speak english really well, especially in Europe. Good luck finding your next vacation spot :)

  7. How come I didn't comment on this last night!? Ok, so my new goal is to get my passport so that maybe Joe will plan our trip to Mexico! The next international trip after that will be Europe - Italy, Germany, etc.

  8. I don't travel much, but I would like to start as well. Heck, I have only been to Canada! I don't have a passport yet though. If I could start right now, I would go somewhere in Europe! Good luck on future journeys. :)

  9. Honestly I just picked one and went lol

  10. haha as i was reading this i thought you were going to talk about the real big issues, budgeting, how the heck do you afford to travel. and getting time off, how are people able to get enough time off to go. if those aren't issues, then i would say pick somewhere you've always wanted to go and go. i don't have a passport, but i don't see us traveling out of the country for a while, so i'll save the money on it for now. i've always wanted to go to switzerland, i'd love to go to italy, and i think it'd be fun to go somewhere tropical. but i'd say just pick somewhere that you want to go and go.

  11. I want to go somewhere out of the States again really soon. Now that you have the passport headache out of the way, you should definitely plan a trip and go! I went to London and Paris on our honeymoon and I highly recommend both of those places. There is so much to do and see.

  12. We took a trip to Italy a few years ago. It was so nice, but we only stayed a short time. I'm dying to get more use out of my passport. Close your eyes, point to a place and go! :-)

  13. I am not a traveler by anymeans, but I know my state like the back of my hand!! You go girl, go see the world!!

  14. oh girlfriend, just pick some place and go. You'll never regret travel...and you'll likely get the bug!

  15. Oh man, just pick a place! Europe is always a good start!

  16. Close your eyes and pick a happy spot that makes you smile! Now figure out where you need to go travel to make that a reality!

  17. I feel this way ALL the time! My problem is I have so many places that I want to go that I have an impossible time trying to figure out what order to do them. Granted, if I had way more money - that issue probably wouldn't be as much of a problem ;)

  18. As a poor college kid, my traveling goes as far as my half full gas tank. I'd love to go see the world though!
    The Laura Way


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