
Monday, May 26, 2014

A Hike Up Mission Peak

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day! I always feel especially grateful on days like this one for the wonderful country we live in. So many people have sacrificed so much for our freedom and I could never thank them enough. 

We spent the day hiking up Mission Peak over in Fremont with our new friends Lauren and Patrick. 

It was bloody hot and super steep but we made it to the top ;-) I would definitely advise bringing water. It is all uphill with hardly any shade but we had a lot of fun. We had so much talking and getting to know each other better but we had to cut back on the talking because we were so out of breath from the incline! 

Also, I couldn't believe how dry it already is! We are in the middle of a severe drought and I miss the green so much. Please pray for rain in California! 


  1. What a gorgeous hike! Glad you had such an amazing time :)

  2. What a great view! I can only imagine how hot it was. It was pretty hot today in Utah.. Z and I went out for a 5 mile run and boy was I sweating (;

    Dearest Lou

  3. I love these photo's! These look like so much fun! I hope you guys had a lot of fun.

  4. Your hike looks gorgeous!!! I should go hiking sometime soon :P

  5. Yay for making it to the top! Sounds and looks like a fun place to hike!

  6. That looks so pretty! What a view!

  7. We spent yesterday hiking, too! And I definitely wasn't talking much with the steep incline and high elevation.

  8. So pretty- I hope you guys get some rain soon! Wish I could send you some of ours from Washington!

  9. It does look hot, but very pretty! Great photos!

  10. Oooh, very pretty! loving these pictures!

  11. Hiking something like that, especially when it's hot, makes the view well worth it!

  12. Although in the middle of a drought, it still is a very gorgeous view. I've always wanted to go to California - I'm so used to East Coast. I don't think I've ever been to a desertous area (not that Cali is a desert lol)

  13. Sending you some rain! It doesn't stop raining here this week and I'm kind of done with it.


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