
Saturday, March 21, 2015

February and March

Has it really been 2 months since I last blogged?? Whoops. I've been caught up loving life and I am entirely okay with that. I don't however want to forget all the fun moments we've had!

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous! Spring blooms everywhere and warm, sunny days day after day. It almost doesn't feel real walking to work smelling jasmine and lilac and seeing roses pouring over the fences. It definitely feels like a storybook sometimes.

Work has been fun, new, exciting, exhausting, fun, and is certainly stretching me and pushing my limits. I am seriously learning so much about patience and teaching, and loving these kids, I think it's really good for me and certainly is helping me grow as a person. I definitely have a deeper understanding of just how important literacy is and the importance of learning.

Lately we've been enjoying lots of double dates and fun adventures into the city.Milkshake making dates, finding the best burrito in the Mission, scoring rush tickets to see Newsies in SF, and lots of girls nights. I've said it a million times but we really love all the wonderful people we've met in Redwood City. We've really made some friendships that will last a lifetime.

Tim has been working his butt off spending every spare minute studying for the GMAT. He is taking it as I type. I'm hoping all his hard work pays off!


  1. Those flowers are GORGEOUS! I also love double dates -- sounds like you guys are having a blast! We've missed you!

  2. It's bed. So long since I've bogged too and I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. Double dates are the absolute best!!

  3. the colour of those blossoms are amazing!

  4. hope the gmat went great for your hubby! Exciting!

  5. Those blossoms are stunning!

  6. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun!

  7. Sounds like you've been doing well! I love pink magnolias they are my fave! It's been so hot down south that they bloomed in February and died within a two weeks and already gone for the season!


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