
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Beach Time

January has flown by! It's been almost a month since I got hired on full time at Project READ and it has been amazing, I seriously love that place. I somehow dodged getting sick when it seemed like everyone around me was ill but it finally caught up to me a couple days ago and completely wiped me out. Chills, aches, sore throat, no voice, etc. Thank goodness for Tim taking are of me even though he is super busy at work. We are praying he doesn't catch it since he is working on some big projects at work and has a business trip next week.

In better news we had a lovely weekend last week and were able to get outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather. We went over to Half Moon Bay (our favorite beach super close to our apartment!) walked around, then made our way down the coast to Ano Nuevo and then Santa Cruz.

I had heard that you can see elephant seals at Ano Nuevo but had no idea they would literally be right in front of you lying on the sand. Tim and I were just walking looking down at the beach and luckily looked up and one was sleeping 5 feet in front of us. They are such massive creatures. They were pretty fun to watch.

1 comment:

  1. I've only seen elephant seals in real life once, but I was completely mesmerized. They're just so huge and fat! haha
    Looks like such a fun day!


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