
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Muir Woods & Life

Life has been pretty routine lately. I guess that is why I have been a bit MIA here on the blog. Homework and going to my internship throughout the week while Tim works and then try to squeeze in a little bit of fun and a lot of errands on the weekend. Every night I make the same lunch for Tim for the next day. Mixed veggies, a bit of quinoa, and a small grilled chicken breast. I feel like I've been in my routine for so long now it'll be super strange to have it suddenly stop in December. Good thing I'll have the holidays to distract me, right? Can I even begin to tell you how excited I am for time with family and friends, playing games, chatting all day, eating all day, did I mention Cafe Rio? Oh I have missed it so much. Serious withdrawals over here.

Oh, and last weekend was interesting. We took a couple people that Tim works with to Muir Woods since one of the guys was just visiting the office for a couple weeks from New Zealand and everyone wanted to show him around. We were a funny bunch. A married couple, a single girl, and a middle aged dad. That place is beautiful. I can't believe we hadn't been yet. We ended up buying a season pass because it was only $20 and for all 4 of us to go it would have been $28. Not sure who came up with their pricing model. 

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a beautiful place to visit next time we come out. We can't wait to see you at Christmas!


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