
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Quickest Visit Ever

I've said this a million times but we love when we have visitors! It can be tricky for extended periods of time since we live in the world's tiniest apartment but we make it work! My grandparents and my aunt were heading to Sacramento for a quick weekend trip and we were lucky enough to convince them to come spend half a day with us down south. We had quite the eventful few hours! Love this grammy of mine. :) Can we all agree she does not look like she is in her 70's???

We loaded up in the car. I'm not kidding we were loaded in there so tight. My grandma was on the ground on a pillow and my grandpa and I were sharing a seat, Tim was driving and my aunt was in the front. It was hilarious. Sorry for the blurriness!

Tim was our fabulous tour guide and we did a quick drive around as much of SF as we could fit in. We got rear ended (I thought it was an earth quake, it just shook our Honda Element haha) so that was exciting. Even more exciting when the folks just drove off. But it was Sunday so you can't get too upset. Luckily it just bent my aunt's wheelchair ramp thing is all.

We then headed up to one of my favorite spots ever. I probably post way too many pictures up at Twin Peaks but you just can't beat that view. It always takes everyone's breath away. Including mine, every time!

We are so glad they made the trip out of their way to come visit. Come back soon!! 


  1. You're right! Your grandma does NOT look like she's in her 70's!

  2. You guys got rear ended?!?! Oh man!!! But yeah, I was thinking when I saw your Instagram, your grandma doesn't look like she's a grandma at all!


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