Silver Lake

Monday, July 7, 2014

While we were in Utah we decided to spend the evening in the mountains. It was absolutely beautiful and I am so glad we went! It was so nice to escape from the 100 degree temperatures and breathe in the fresh mountain air.

We went up Big Cottonwood Canyon and ate dinner, had a fire, and then went for a walk around Silver Lake. When we lived in Utah we only lived about half an hour away from here so I have no idea how we never went! I could have spent the entire day there. My favorite part was our moose sighting. Do you see it in the last picture? We caught him running across the marshy part of the lake and it was so fun to watch.

Later on as we were walking along the trail we spotted it laying with another moose. It was pretty amazing seeing them up close but I was a bit nervous about it so I made all the nieces and nephews hold their breath and tiptoe past them.

If you are anywhere near Salt Lake City you need to take the short drive up Cottonwood Canyon. It is absolutely beautiful. I need to go back in the fall to see all those beautiful trees again!


  1. What beautiful scenery! I have found so many things near my childhood home that I never knew existed, and I absolutely love them now.

  2. How gorgeous is that! I want a break from the 100* weather too, ick! I'm glad you guys had fun.

  3. Beautiful! We'll have to make a trip there since we're not too far either! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Those photos are absolutely gorgeous - looks like you had a wonderful time :D

  5. I love Tim's model picture!!! ;) I need to do a hike or two this year. It's always on my list but never actually happens.

  6. Prettiest pictures ever. Holy cow those mountains! You are making me miss them!!

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