My Skin Care Routine with Glymed Plus

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I was compensated with free products from Glymed Plus for this post. but all opinions are my own. 

Last week I talked a little bit about my obsession with Glymed Plus . They are my absolute favorite skin care line. You can read a little bit more about why I think so here. Today I wanted to walk you through my skin care regimen. Prevention is much easier than treating so it is definitely important to start taking care of your skin at an early age. It may add a couple minutes to your morning and nightly routine but I promise you will be thankful when your skin is looking fabulous in your later years!

Step 1: Cleanse
Gentle Face Wash 
This product is so gentle but works so well!  It lightens, brightens, fights aging skin, acne, and age spots. What more could you want? I also love that it is gentle enough for all skin types. I love using it with my Clarisonic but it works great on it's own as well. Just massage into the skin and remove with tepid water. 

Step 2: Treat
Youth Firm Age Defying Peel 
While I am a huge fan of chemical peels, I don't love the down time. The great thing about this product is you get the results of an AHA peel without the down time. (Miracle!!) This is probably my favorite step because it smells amazing and it is super relaxing. After you cleanse the face just apply this product to damp, warm skin for 3-7 minutes then apply a warm, damp facial cloth for 30 seconds. This feels so nice and also helps the product to penetrate. Afterwards remove with the damp towel and rinse with water. Only use 3x a week!

Step 3: Treat
Living Cell Clarifier 
This product is so hydrating. It instantly takes away the little bit of tingle from step 2. This product protects the skin from free radicals and helps correct damage to the skin from aging, sun, chemicals, and other skin imbalances. This product also helps reduce melanin production which helps brighten the skin. 

Step  4: Treat
Derma Pigment Skin Brightener 
This product uses natural amino avid derivatives to brighten the skin without using harmful prescription treatments. It is also full of antioxidants to neutralize destructive elements before they do harm to the skin. The key ingredient is glycolic acid which is one of my favorite ingredients of all time. It is the smallest Alpha hydroxy acid so it can really penetrate the skin. It helps to visibly reduce pores and wrinkles as it works to remove lesions and skin dryness. 

Step 5: Balance
Cell Protection Serum
This product really nourishes, balances, and renews the skin. Lipids are lost in the skin as we age and this product helps to replenish those lipids that are lost. I feel like this is a big drink of water for my skin. All the humectants and vitamins soothe the skin and help combat aging. 

Step 6: Protect
Photo-Age Environmental Protection Gel SPF 30+
The perfect way to finish up your skin care regimen is to top your skin off with an spf 30. While treating the skin it is absolutely necessary to regularly use sunscreen with a sufficient spf.  You've worked hard to achieve healthier skin and that nice, new, baby soft skin will be more susceptible to photo damage so it must be protected. This product is incredible because it blends nicely with makeup so it is perfect for every day use. You don't need to worry about this product being streaky or difficult to blend. This product also contains antioxidants for added protection against the harmful effects of the environment.  Don't forget to reapply to protect all day! 

Step 7: Enjoy!
Go enjoy your beautiful glowing skin!


  1. Such a great post and a great skin care regimen. I need to try peels, I am always looking for something to help clear and even skintone. Great post!

  2. I'm lucky enough to have great skin, so I don't purchase a ton of skin care products. But when I do I usually like them to have a bit of a tingle to them.


  3. Wow, you are glowing!! This sounds like a fantastic product! <3

  4. I need to take better care of my skin. :P Maybe it would be nicer to me!

  5. I wish I could spend the money on this stuff, maybe once I start working! We use dermologica at my school and I love that too!

  6. I LOVE my clarisonic. I made my mom get one the next week since I couldn't stop raving about it!

  7. PS. I think you're pretty. with or without this product :)

  8. Sitting with the towel on your face sounds really relaxing! So glad you are using an SPF too many people skip this step which pretty much makes treatment products pointless especially when it has to do with evening skin tone and dark spots.

  9. I need to get my skincare in shape...

  10. Hahaha, I love the shot with the towel on your face. I do that too, but I don't know if I could get Gabriel to take a photo of it!

  11. I've been wanting to try the Clarisonic! Thanks for sharing your routine :)

  12. your skin looks really good!! I really need to invest in a consistent skincare routine, my skin is so random - sometimes its good sometimes its horrible and I can't work out what it is thats having such a big effect on it!

  13. Great tips, I definitely need to try these :)

  14. You look very relaxed lying on the sofa there.

  15. I definitely need to get my skin care regimen under control!

  16. sounds like a great product, I have a simple routine

  17. Seriously need to implement these stat!

  18. This post reminds me that I need to stick to my skincare routine better. I always try and get into a habit and then get lazy. :(

  19. Very cool routine. That cell protection serum looks really cool!

  20. I have never heard of Glymed Plus before! You have a great skincare routine, which is so important!

  21. You've got a great system going! I'm over here trying to remember to just wash my face!

  22. im so jealous you have a clarisonic. i want one so bad!

  23. I'm always looking for new skincare products! Great review!

  24. I really like that brush. I use one for my face and it makes such a difference.

  25. Since beginning to use liposomal glutathione, I have seen a marked improvement in the frequency and severity of my skin's sensitive episodes, which I had dealt with for quite some time. My skin feels healthier and more robust because to its nourishing and soothing effects and high antioxidant characteristics. I think it would be helpful for anybody with skin problems.


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