
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moss Beach

Today I finished my last class of the spring semester and Tim needed a break before taking the GMAT tomorrow so we set out to find somewhere to spend our afternoon. We decided on fish and chips in Half Moon Bay. We got to the place we had been planning on going and they were cash only so we started walking back to the car and saw a fun seafood place and glanced at the menu. Tim was wearing his Utah Valley Marathon shirt and that started a conversation with a cute older couple sitting at the restaurant. They were locals and started telling us about all the places we needed to see. After we grabbed our fish and chips we went up to try to find the place they were talking about.

We drove about a mile up the road and found our destination. James V. Fitzgerald Marine Reserve. It was amazing! I think it is one of my all time favorite places now. There are beautiful walking trails, tide pools, wildlife, amazing coastline, great views, and lots of fun seals to watch. We started chatting with an older man while watching the seals and he told us all of his crazy wildlife adventures he has had since living in the area. It was super entertaining and lots of fun. We will definitely be back to this area! 


  1. Oooo... that does look pretty!!!

  2. I saw that picture of you on Insta and was drooling. It's so pretty! I want to come out and visit you and go on so bad!! I'm so glad you're doing good, girl! I miss ya!

  3. hi there, I am so excited that I just found your blog! My husband and I are moving to San Francisco at the end of this year. I've lived there before, but of course there's tons of stuff I've yet to see or do there, and I'm sure I'll get some great ideas from you. your blog and all the photos are so beautiful! really looking forward to following along. xoxo -leah

  4. It's so lovely that everyone is so very friendly where you live! I want this life, sounds like heaven. All the seals on the beach are so cute just flopped there on their bellies! And those trees, that frame the paths. So beautiful!

    Katie <3


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