
Monday, July 21, 2014

A Night Out Under the Stars

At the beginning of summer I decided to make a bucket list of all the things I wanted to be sure to do before summer was over. We were able to take a break from the all the craziness and stress of the day and have a quiet night at the park. I'm so glad we finally got to check off "a night under the stars" off my bucket list. We grabbed a few snacks and our favorite sparkling grapefruit juice and made a night out of it. Even though it was so simple, it was seriously one of my favorite nights. A cool breeze, great conversation, and an amazing person to share it all with.

I was especially excited to have our own cute pillows to bring to the park with us. It definitely made our night a bit sweeter. Tim and I decided to pick out our own personalized pillows thanks to Tiny Prints. I am so happy with them! The quality is amazing and they are so soft and comfortable. We are definitely always going to treasure these!

Did you make a summer bucket list this year? Are you making good progress? I am about halfway through with mine and can't wait to check off a few more items on the list!


  1. Those are SO adorable! I love them!

  2. This is adorable! I envy the fact that you guys could find time to do this. As I write this, I'm sitting next to my other half on the couch, watching a baseball game... this would be the time to go out and do something cutesy like y'all did, but no. We're way too tired at night. Ugh. First world probs.

  3. Absolutely adorable! This picture reminds me of something that should be in a country music video - which basically means I'm obsessed with it :-)

  4. those are so fun - sounds like a great night :)

  5. Oh my gosh so cute! And what a fun night! You & Tim are so creative :)

  6. I love your pillows!!! How am I doing with my summer bucket list?? Um... at the end of the week I can cross of "move into house" but I think that will be it ;)

  7. LOVE your matching cushions, so cute. I love evenings like this, the only problem we have where I live is that in the middle of London, everyone has the same romantic evening idea and you end up sharing your romantic little notion with about five others.

    Katie <3


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