The Secret to Healthy Skin

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I was compensated with free products from Glymed Plus for this post. but all opinions are my own. 

As many of you may know I am very passionate about skincare. As a master aesthetician I am pretty picky about the products I use on my skin because I know how much of a difference it makes in the long run.

I was first introduced to my absolute FAVORITE skincare line in 2011 while I was in school getting my esthetics license. I saw the amazing results that were obtained from using Glymed Plus  products. The quality is outstanding and I have never used a product quite like it.

I have tried other products to keep my skin looking young and healthy, but nothing compares to GlyMed Plus. Their formulas are results-driven and developed to replace nutrients, heal damaged cells, and maintain a healthy youthful appearance.

So what sets apart Glymed Plus from other skincare lines? It is a "Purely Professional" pharmaceutical grade results driven line. It is the highest quality of products that you can get before getting a doctor's prescription. 

 As I have entered into my mid twenties I have really noticed the dramatic affects that the sun has had on my own skin and also that of my friends and family. I wish I would have known what I know now about the sun when I was little but unfortunately that isn't the case! While I do wear sunscreen everyday now I definitely didn't in my younger years and now I am paying for it.

Luckily there are amazing products and treatments out there to help repair and revitalize your skin. Thank heavens! I started my skin care regimen with Glymed Plus. 30 days ago and I am so excited about my results. My skin already feels tighter, brighter, and more even. I can't wait to show you my results in my next post!

Because my biggest focus right now is on treating the damage that has already been done to my skin and protecting it for the future I decided to go with the Age Management Line from Glymed Plus. They have so many great products to choose from that you can mix and match it all to be a perfect match for your skin.

I chose to go with the gentle face wash, youth firm age defying peel, living cell clarifier, derma pigment skin brightener, cell protection serum, and the photo-age environmental protection gel 30+.

Keep your eye out for more posts partnered with Glymed Plus! I have some exciting things in store for you! 


  1. I need something new for my skin, it is not my friend right now! Thanks for your suggestions, I'm going to check their products out right now! :)

  2. Awesome! I love learning about different skincare products. What do you think about Dermalogica? That's what we used in beauty school.

  3. I love finding out about new skincare products, because I usually just use water. Thanks for the introduction. I'll have to get my hands on some!

  4. I've been wanting to try a peel. Thanks for posting!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I will have to check them out :)

  6. Thank you for sharing. I'm looking to try some new products.

  7. Sounds great! I've never tried this line before!

  8. Love hearing about new products - look forward to hearing how they work for you!

  9. I'm so happy to read this! My skin has been awful since having my baby (hormones) and I am desperate for something new!

  10. sounds like great products and cant wait to see the results

  11. I have to try this sometime. This is my first time hearing about GlyMed Plus prior to reading your post. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Wow, never heard of GlyMed before either. Will look into it, thanks for sharing.

  13. I feel like I'm starting to see the effects of not wearing sunscreen lately too. Found this post at the perfect time!

  14. i've never heard of this brand...where do you buy it?

  15. i've been getting into skincare a bit more now that i'm in my thirties. is this product a more natural product or do you know how it rates on EWG? i just started learning about EWG recently.

  16. You have beautiful skin, if you say it's good IT's good! I'm going for my first facial next week- very excited!!

  17. I am actually in the process of finding a dermatologist to get my skin under control and healthy!

  18. I am always trying new skin care products!

  19. I need to try this, something new! My skin gets really dry in my T zone but then it gets oily up near my scalp and around my nose. It's ridiculous.

  20. A little sceptical at first, but r-alpha lipoic acid has done wonders for the condition of my skin. It has done wonders for my uneven skin tone and discolouration. In addition to the noticeable anti-ageing effects, I also notice that my skin feels softer and fuller. If you're seeking to resolve various skin issues, it's an excellent complement to any skincare regimen.


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