
Saturday, March 8, 2014

First Venture into the City

We had such a fun day today. We started off the day by walking down to the Caltrain station to catch the train into San Francisco. Once we got there we decided to meet up with my old friend John (who will actually be on Tim's new team at work!) who I hadn't seen in over 10 years! We all grabbed some juice from Pressed which was to die for. We got the greens 3 which had kale, spinach, romaine, parsley. cucumber, celery, apple, lemon, and ginger. I am pretty sure I could live off that stuff and die happy.

We decided to save a couple dollars and not use the bus as we were walking around the city and my legs are definitely paying for it now. I think we ended up walking about 9 or 10 miles up and down the hills of San Francisco. We did a lot of the touristy stuff like Ghiradelli Square, Pier 39, Lombard street, etc. Oh and of course we had to stop at The Codmother Fish and Chips. Definitely worth the long wait. We also couldn't have asked for better weather. We both wore a light jacket and were a little toasty until the sun went down. It was such a gorgeous day!


  1. The park across from Ghirardellis Square is my favorite!! :) I could sit on those benches staring at the little beach forever! :) Definitely lots of walking. I loved having my Fitbit with me in San Fran. SOOOO many steps!!! :) I'm loving living vicariously through you. I just want to come visit and explore with you!!!

  2. If you love sour dough bread, you gotta try Boudin Bread! It's based in San Fran! It's the best I've had this far. I'm excited for your new adventure!!

  3. Oh my gosh how pretty! I am so jealous of you for having a place like that to get juice!

  4. I grew up going to the city. (I was raised In Sacramento) I seriously never get over all of the things to to in the Bay. You will LOVE CA. Next time you are in the city go shopping!!!

  5. Oh and what Jordan said. Boudins is the BEST EVER!!!!

  6. It looks like an awesome day, and good for you for walking!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes


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