
Friday, March 7, 2014

California Changes

I can't believe we have been here in California for almost a week now. Things have been pretty busy around here getting all the essentials for the apartment, searching for furniture, and of course doing some sight seeing! Last night we headed over to Half Moon Bay for some fish and chips and a walk on the beach at sunset. It was absolutely gorgeous!

There are definitely a lot of changes and things to get used to. You have to pay for grocery bags here. I am going to definitely have to start remembering to always bring a bag with me when I grab groceries.

Speaking of groceries, they are expensive! I was about to grab a gallon of milk and put it back when I read the sticker price of $4.69 a gallon. Holy moly. I'll take my cereal with milk? Ha just kidding. I'll just have to scope out the sales.

No talking on the phone while driving. Can I give a hallelujah and get an amen for this?! Best law ever.

We live in a super safe area but we have a pretty cautious landlord lady. She cracks me up. When we asked about the neighborhood she said it was great but to call her if we ever saw anything suspicious. She then proceeded to tell us that we always have 24/7 access to 9-11 if we ever want it! Hahaha I almost died. She said her motto is "protect yourself protect your life."

Lastly the weather is absolutely amazing. Tim and I went out to the park across the street from us and played frisbee in t-shirts and actually got a little hot. That is pretty amazing for March! Have I mentioned that our town's motto is "climate best by government test"? Pretty awesome.

We are really loving it here and are soaking up every bit of free time we have until it is back to the grind of work and school. We decided to splurge a little and go on a little trip on Wednesday. We found an amazing deal and couldn't pass it up! We have had a lot to celebrate lately and we found it fitting to celebrate it with a week in Kauai before we head back to work. We can't wait!!


  1. I'm jealous of your life right now, no lie!! I want to come with you on your trip and hang out with you for a few days in Cali!

  2. WOW a big move to gorgeous California and then a vacation on top of it! Sounds like the good life!

  3. So fun and so jealous!!! I've been a few times and loveeee it there!

  4. I'm also a little jealous! It was 70* today but it was 32* yesterday. Your pictures are beautiful. Good luck setting up the apartment.

  5. These pictures are gorgeous! You two are so cute together.

  6. Love the gorgeous pictures. Glad you're getting settled in. Your blog makes us want to come visit.

  7. I didn't think you could drive with a cell phone in any state. Silly me!! Glad you are settling in nicely. I am biased (and spoiled) but I love California and wouldn't want to live anywhere else!!

  8. Okay, I need to find a cheap vacation, haha! Where do you normally look for great prices??


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