
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Thoughts About Moving

Forgive me if all I seem to be talking about it moving. When you have to keep something to yourself for so long and can finally talk to other people about it you seem to just purge out everything that has been flooding your mind previously.

It seems like we have been spending a large chunk of our free time searching craigslist for apartments in the bay area. Do you find something with the shortest commute? Do we take advantage of the Google shuttles and live wherever we want? Do we pay more to live somewhere awesome or do we live in a suburb and save a bit on rent? Do we sell all of our stuff and just start over? Do we just live somewhere tiny so that we won't need much furniture anyways? What kind of job will I be able to find? It's all a bit overwhelming.

I feel particularly spoiled having lived in Salt Lake for the first part of our marriage because we have a nice spacious apartment for half the cost of what half the space will give us there. I also have been spoiled to live so close to so many family members here in Utah. I have quite a bit of extended family here and most of Tim's family lives within an hour of us. I also feel incredibly blessed to have been able to sell our 18 month lease when we were only about 3 months into it. That has definitely saved us from a lot of headaches and grief.

The other night I couldn't sleep and got all teary eyed thinking about leaving all our loved ones here in Utah. I let the water works show happen for a minute or two then I kind of laughed at myself for being ridiculous because Utah really isn't that far away and we will be sure to visit at least a couple times a year.

Anyways, thanks for listening to all my thoughts. It is hard to keep that stuff to yourself for months! I really am super excited for this move and I think it will be really good for us. I think it is important for every couple to get away and try something totally outside of their comfort zones. I'm really excited to see what this move has in store for us!

Speaking of moving, we decided to get in one last ski day in before we take off. It was such a beautiful day! It snowed and snowed all day long. My hair froze into little dreads and all our pictures ended up looking steamy haha but it was such a perfect day!


  1. We just moved too - across country. It was a hard decision and an even harder move, but it was worth it. Only a suggestion, consider the long term financial effects of the decision. Will it end up costing you something a year from now? If so, are you OK with that expense? I hope you find a place that suits your needs and wants.

  2. We are fixin to move too. A few nights ago I just cried and cried.. Looking back it was kinda funny but at the time I thought the world was coming to an end.. its tough but in the long run it will be worth it.. So glad that I can share my moving life with you.

  3. Aw Kelsey, you'll manage! We moved to this country in 2002 and we're doing just fine :D! Plus, as I keep saying, that area's gorgeous and what I've read about Google from the book I told ya about makes me sooo happy for you both.


  4. So I just read your last two blog entries and I was so excited to see that you would be moving to the Bay Area! I was born and raised here and could give you lots of helpful information if you guys need it! We definitely have lots of different options as far as good cities, transportation, etc... If you need any help, please feel free to ask me! I promise I'm a normal person and not some crazy lady haha. Hopefully moving goes quickly and smoothly for you! =)

    Rebecca (in case you have any Bay Area questions)

  5. I feel the same way!!! We are moving to the DC area this fall and apartment hunting has been a nightmare! Talk about spoiled living in UT like we are used too! We are going to have to pay 2 times or more for a small one bedroom. It's so depressing! I hope you guys find something reasonable!! My hubby is from the bay area but I haven't been yet. It'll be fun for you guys! Also, you HAVE to try Boudin sourdough bread (if you like sour dough) it's THE BOMB!!!

  6. I can not wait to hear what you decide!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. I've moved so many times. Most recently to England and no move is ever easy. There are so many what ifs and things that stress you out. Hoping that everything goes well for you and your family though!

  8. We live in SF and moved from Seattle (but grew up in Sacramento, so pretty close to the bay area). I feel like living here the last year has taught me a LOT. It is a really tough decision whether to live in south bay (Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, etc.) or in the city. I will say that if you move to the city, EVERYTHING is more expensive, so definitely take that into consideration. Food, drinks, groceries, nails, everything. We really like living in the city, but there are things that I miss about having space, like parking and being able to drive to the store, etc. Just generally getting around is a nightmare. If you aren't out of downtown by 3pm, you will sit in an hour of traffic just to get to the bridge or to 101 to get to south bay. It is a nightmare. E-mail me if you want to talk more about anything- I'd love to help! - Cara

  9. You will be missed for sure! I am so glad things have gone smoothly so far though, and I'm hoping you find something just perfect for you two in Cali!

  10. I hate the initial move.. the packing.. the loading.. then the unpacking!! after that it gets better!

  11. Good luck - I'm excited for you! You'll have to connect with Patrick and Natalie. They LOVE California.

  12. congrats on his new job! that is amazing!! what a smartie your husband must be, Google is picky!! that is amazing!


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