
Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Google Story

Yesterday we were finally able to announce that we will be moving to the bay area in just a few short weeks so I decided I may as well fill you all in on the blog!

Back in June my husband's team at work lost headcount and since he was the most junior member he was the one that had to be let go. He started looking at different options but luckily they found him a place on another team within the company. It had always been a big dream of Tim's to work at Google so he applied but nothing really happened so we kind of forgot about it. I started working at my dream job and things were going well.

Weeks later a friend of mine reached out and said that his team at Google was hiring and referred Tim to the position. After about 6 or 7 interviews he was offered the job. We were pretty stunned to be honest. We had just moved into a new apartment and had signed an 18 month lease, I had recently started a job I loved and Tim really enjoyed his current job. We prayed and prayed and asked for answers and we were able to figure out what was best for our little family of two. This was an amazing opportunity for us and something we just couldn't turn down so Tim accepted.

As of now we have no idea where we are going to be living and neither one of us have ever been to this particular area but we feel so good about it and couldn't be more excited. We will be headed down in about 3 weeks and hopefully we can find an apartment quickly! I couldn't be more proud of my husband for achieving a goal he once thought wasn't very realistic. It goes to show that hard work pays off!


  1. That's awesome, I can't wait to hear all about working at google stories!

  2. That's fantastic. Wish you lots of luck in finding a place and moving!

  3. Congratulations to him, good luck and I can not wait to hear all about it!

  4. Congratulations! How exciting! What an amazing company to work for, they really take care of their employees! I live in San Francisco if you are looking to move up here and need any tips. Congrats!

  5. YAY! That's exciting news and what a great area to live. Congrats to Tim! I have a few good friends who work in both the Google office in San Fran and they're main campus outside of the city. I hope he loves the new job!

  6. YAY! :) (PS - that sweatshirt is awesome, haha)

  7. we're so excited for you two to be out here and join the google ranks! XO

  8. Awesome and congrats on the new jobs! Google has been my dream company for years now too but I don't think they have an office in FL.

  9. Congrats!!!! He deserves it if he made it through 7 interviews, crazy!

  10. That's so exciting! Here's to new adventures for you guys! :)

  11. This is AMAZEBALLS!!! That area's beautiful and the weather unbeatable, so aside from finding an actual place to live*, you don't have much to worry about :). I wish you the BESTEST and look fwd to seeing ya in a couple of weeks :D!! XO.

    *Doesn't Google offer (free) residences at its campus? I'd like to live there--at least while I get acquainted w/the area :).

  12. Yeah the bay area is an amazing place. Which I am so jealous right now. I miss California very very much!!! And GOOGLE!!! Yeah that's an amazing job that anyone could ask for!! <3

  13. Just saw your tweet! Congrats on the job! Bay Area is a great place to raise a family I think you will like it here!!

  14. oh my goodness! congrats, that's so exciting!!

  15. That is awesome!! I am so happy for y'all!! I will be praying for y'all.

  16. Congratulations Kelsey! That is so exciting!!! Good luck with the move, I hear the Bay area is beautiful and I bet Tim will love working for Google!


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