
Monday, February 8, 2016

Life Update

I'd say its about time for a little life update around here! It is definitely very much overdue. Tim and I are still loving life in the bay area and feel like we are definitely starting to have some deep roots here. We have incredible friends that we love like family and still seem to be able to find new things we love about the area all the time.

Tim is still commuting from  where we're located in Redwood City up to VISA in the financial district up in SF. I make up for his long commute with my short one (10 steps down the hallways to my office) so I suppose it kind of evens out. I've been apartment managing for about 5 months now and feel like I'm finally getting the hang of it. It's been such a blessing to not have to pay rent with how expensive the bay area is. The perks are excellent and I am coworkers with two of my best friends which makes it even more fun!

We've had tons of visitors lately which has been so much fun. We've loved moving into a bigger place and having a guest room so that friends and family can come visit without being squeezed into our tiny previous apartment. My parents finished their mission in Puerto Rico in December and came and stayed with us for 2 weeks over Christmas. It was so much fun for us. I love being able to be a tourist in our own city so we can check more items off our bucket list. We had fun going to potlucks, a Stanford basketball game, a BYU game at St. Marys, Muir Woods, lots of days in the city, beach days, more rounds of Pounce that I can even remember, my dad doing dishes every night and my mom organizing my apartment to perfection. Parents are the best, right?

About a week later one of my cousin besties, Allie, and her husband, James came to stay with us for a long holiday weekend. They had a lot planned on their own while we were working but we also had a ton of fun walking the entire city of San Francisco in the pouring rain, eating and eating and eating, and of course more rounds of Pounce. Tim and I have been kind of hooked lately in case you couldn't tell. We love Allie and James so much and were so glad they flew out from Utah just to see us!

Tim and I feel incredibly blessed with amazing family, friendships, and incredible experiences that we have been able to share together. It's hard to believe we're getting out of the newlywed stage of life and inching closer to 4 years of marriage. It seems like every night turns into a conversation about what we want to do next in our lives. We seem to change our minds every week so who knows what the next few years will have in store for us but every possibility seems exciting so I can't wait!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awwww So glad everything is going well for you! :)

  3. What is the nature of Tim's commute, and how does it compare to the author's? Greeting : Telkom University


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