
Friday, January 9, 2015

Christmas Break

This year we spent 2 whole weeks in Utah for Christmas. I basically froze my buns off the entire time. I was also under a pile of blankets or next to the fire. I think it was my first Christmas not seeing ANY of my immediate family members which was really bizarre. My parents are in Puerto Rico, brother is in Argentina and my other brother and his wife were in Denver. I was happy to be able to see some extended family and spend lots of time with my wonderful in laws! I got a little sad seeing how much my nieces and nephews had changed in the 6 months since we saw them last. I wish we didn't have to miss any of them growing up.

To sum up the trip I would say that we ate, slept, played games, had parties, watched moves and repeated. It was pretty glorious honestly. I think we had a total of like 7 or 8 family parties with all sorts of variations of family members.

Being in Utah again was a pretty weird thing for me. Being in a landlocked area made me feel kind of claustrophobic. It sounds really weird and bizarre but that is the best way I can describe it. I loved seeing the mountains again. I didn't love how cookie cutter and uniform a lot of Utah is though. Such mixed feelings! It'll be interesting to see where we end up someday. As always I definitely missed out on a lot of photo opportunities and I'm sad I didn't take more!

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