
Monday, October 13, 2014

The Best Columbus Day Weekend Yet

Having visitors in town is always a blast. It gives us an excuse to check out new areas and show off some of our favorite parts of the bay area. We have been practically begging one of Tim's best friends in LA to drive up and visit us ever since we took our trip down to L.A. We finally convinced him to come up and visit for Columbus Day since Tim had the day off work. We packed a whole lot into our weekend and I have to say it was one of the most fun weekends we've had here.

On Friday Tom arrived and we drove down to Palo Alto to get some of our favorite food at Curry Up Now and then dessert at Cream. When we were driving home we started chatting and by the time we got home the boys had created an idea for a card game so we ran by Target to pick up supplies and we drew out the game and started playing. We ended up taking the game around with us all weekend and played a ton.

On Saturday we headed up to the city to do some sightseeing and to catch the air show going on during Fleet Week. We of course had to stop by the Farmer's Market for all the yummy samples and our favorite little french donuts with custard. We walked all around the city. My calves are still on fire from those hills! 

Tom got stopped by a random old lady who gave him a beaded bracelet and told him something in another language and Tim got pulled on stage while we were walking past a street performance. To say it was entertaining would be an understatement. 
On Sunday we had a nice relaxing morning at church then decided to head up the coast to walk around Sutro Baths and Land's End. We ended up having The Blue Angels fly right above our heads while we were over there so we had a great view without all the crowds. We finished our day with the gorgeous view up at Twin Peaks. I can't ever get enough of that view. 

On Monday we stopped by the Mission District for some bomb breakfast burritos on our way up to Sausalito. I love all the murals and and paintings on the walls and buildings. Oh and incase you were wondering I got to listen in while a little child walked by and asked his dad about the painting on the far right. 

After that we headed into Sausalito and it was a super hot, sunny day. While we were over there I looked over and the fog was coming in like crazy, After a couple minutes we couldn't see SF at all through the fog. We drove over to Point Bonita to check out the lighthouse and were surprised when it was super foggy and about 15 degrees colder than Sausalito. It still blows my mind how a quick drive can change the weather so dramatically. I think this was my favorite part of the weekend. The lighthouse was breathtaking and the scenery was just gorgeous. I think the fog and stormy weather was the icing on the cake. I love when the water gets choppy and greyish green and everything is misty. It gives it such a magical look. Did I mention we got to see some porpoises swimming around? Totally made my day! 


  1. fun weekend! those last pictures are amazing!!!


  2. Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Glad you got to see Tom

  3. what a fun adventure! love all these great pictures! that bridge looks super cool and you look beautiful as always!

  4. I have got to move closer to the ocean. It looks incredible out there, lucky girl!


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