
Thursday, September 18, 2014

An Afternoon Pedal Boating

One of my favorite things to do is to get together with friends and try something new. Some friends of ours suggested an afternoon of pedal boating and we knew it would be a blast! The actual event ended up being rather funny.

We showed up to the pedal boating rental place in the bay and asked my 8 months friend how pregnant she was because if she was over 5 months pregnant the pedaling induced labor. Because we opted not to have Lauren give birth in a tiny little boat she had to sit in the back. We were glad Rebecca and her cute baby Miles were there to pedal otherwise we would have been in a pickle. It was pretty hilarious to watch.

There were people doing all kinds of water activities in the water so it was some premium people watching. Anything from bikes on floating buoys to old men trying to windsurf. It was an awesome time. I'm glad we have such fun friends here. Fun fact--The striped buildings in the 2nd to last picture are where Tim works if he doesn't have to commute into San Francisco.

Hope you all have a great weekend and have something fun planned!I will be at baby showers galore this weekend.  It is definitely baby season!


  1. SO jealous!!! I want to go pedal boating with Joe so badly. It looks like it was the perfect afternoon! One day I'll get to go :P

  2. You guys are the cutest things in the universe.

  3. Fab photos! Love doing this - always a lot of fun!

    Cat from Outside, Beauty, Inside Health


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