
Monday, July 7, 2014


Over the weekend I turned the big 24! I have always loved birthdays and love making a big deal out of anyone's birthday. I love celebrating and love finding any excuse to celebrate.

It was a little sad having my family all over the place this year but I was happy to spend it with my wonderful in laws. This year my parents are off serving a mission in Puerto Rico, my younger brother is serving a mission in Argentina, and my older brother and his wife are in Denver. Can you say spread out??

I woke up and Tim whisked me off to a 90 minute massage. I'm pretty sure that is all I ever want on my birthday. The perfect way to start a new year. Afterwards he picked me up and I opened a couple presents and then we grabbed lunch. The rest of the day was spent barbecuing, watching my mother and father in law's slideshow from their trip to Israel, family pictures, and then a comedy show downtown. It was definitely a lovely day and I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life. Thanks to all of you who make life just a little bit sweeter!     


  1. ahh a massage sounds wonderful! glad you had such a good day!! :)

  2. Happy belated Birthday! Glad you had a great day!

  3. Happy Belated b-day young one! when is your b-day you July baby? I am a July baby too, but I turned the BIG 3-0 on July 2 :) you still have some years before that. I hope it was a great one!

  4. It sounds like you had the most wonderful day- happy belated birthday. Love your photos btw!

  5. A great birthday indeed! Happy Belated. :)

  6. Happy Belated Birthday!

  7. I love your birthday, it sounds perfect!!! :)

  8. Happy birthday! You are such a doll- you deserved the best day!

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