
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Quick Trip to LA

We had a blast on our weekend trip to L.A. If you haven't already made sure to check out the photos from driving down the pacific coast highway.  It was such an awesome drive and I am still blown away from the views. We met up with our friend Tom who is living down in L.A trying to make it big with his band The New Electric Sound . One of our favorite couples Dallin and Sam from back in SLC met up with us for the adventure as well.  We only had a few days so we didn't get to do it all but we had so much fun packing in as much as we could for our few days down there. The boys loved hitting up Amoeba Music they all used to be in a band together in high school/college. We also spent time at Griffith Observatory, and Forest Lawn to see Walt Disney's garden area. We also spent a day at the beach relaxing, playing spike ball I'm addicted now! and boogie boarding. We also loved going to the UCB Theatre for a comedy show. That was definitely one of the highlights of the trip. I highly recommend their musical night! We of course also stuffed our faces with great pizza, Chinese food, and amazing fish tacos. 


  1. That pizza looks delicious. How was the Disney garden area??? That sounds really awesome! :) Comedy shows are the best too :) You can't go wrong with a good laugh!

  2. Love those fast LA trips. I need to make another one soon!

  3. How fun!! I miss LA where the beaches are actually hot and the sun is out! Looks like you had a blast.

  4. Aw, you were in my town! Looks like you had a blast!

  5. That pizza wow got me hungry again x

  6. Awww!! The beach is CALLING MY NAME! It was next week last year we were in LA for Hunters birthday and it wont be until October til we go back... I'll live vicariously through all of your gorgeous CA photos... isn't it such a fun state ;) #caborn

  7. Sounds like a great time, the beach looks amazing!

  8. Jealous! This makes me miss LA SO much. It's been far too long since I've been there.

  9. I've lived in Cali my whole life and have yet to make this drive. It's on the list. : )

  10. how fun!! we just got back from vacay recently to LA...San diego used to be i miss it dearly!

  11. looks like a blast! I've been dying to go to LA

  12. I love these photos. Haha, it looks like you guys successfully had a great time. Now I want to go to the beach! I hope your having a great week.

  13. So much fun! We love LA! That pizza looks so good!

  14. Looks delish, hot and fun!!

  15. Nothing better than the beach and pizza!

  16. Looks like a successful trip to me!

  17. You really captured the LA feel in your photos!

  18. I've only been to LA once and it was a quick trip at night, but hopefully one day!

    That pizza looks yummy btw.

  19. Glad you enjoyed yourself! That pizza looks amazing. I haven't made it to the Griffith Observatory yet and I live in L.A. LOL!

  20. I love all your pictures! I love your blog and catching up on your fun lives! How fun that you get to do all this stuff! :) And the food looks SO GOOD.

  21. I really want to go to the beach after these pictures!

  22. I seriously love LA! I wish I lived closer, or within distance of a reasonably sized airport so I could go all the time


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