
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

One Last Visit

I was so happy to have my younger brother here to visit the past few days. I just dropped in off at the airport and I won't see him for 2 years while he is off serving a mission in Argentina. We had a ton of fun together but it was a little bittersweet knowing that I would have to say goodbye for a long time at the end of the visit.

Luckily we were able to pack a lot of fun into the few days he was there. A drive up the coast, the best view of the city, amazing ice cream sandwiches at Cream, fun at the park, tons of food, and a temple trip were definitely the highlights of the visit. 

My parents will be getting their mission call any day now and they will be serving a mission for our church for 18 months. I feel like my whole family is leaving for such exciting adventures! Luckily I will be able to visit my parents since they will be a senior couple and have a few more luxuries. I can't wait to find out where they go. I have been DYING the last few months waiting to find out. 


  1. Those ice cream sandwiches! I am drooling on my keyboard over here.

  2. It looks like you guys had fun! I can't wait to hear where your parents will be going.

  3. I didn't realize that an "older couple" can receive mission calls in your church! That's REALLY cool!

  4. My brother is currently on his mission in Africa. Dropping him off at the MTC 10 months ago was exciting and hard all that the same time. You know they are doing amazing things and having great adventures but at the same time, not getting to just pick up the phone and call whenever you want can be hard. We will get to Skype with him for the first time on Mother's Day and we're pretty excited :-)


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