
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Brunch in San Francisco

Being so close to San Francisco has definitely been on of our favorite parts of living in this area. A quick 30 minute drive or ride on the train gets us right into the heart of the city. We had a friend in town so we decided to head up today and knock a few more items off our bucket list.

 ^^Brunch at Mama's was first on the list. It was a 2 hour wait but completely worth it. I would definitely recommend it! We chatted with Mama's grandson and he told us all about the restaurant. It is amazing that this place has been around for 63 years. ^^

^^ Afterwards we headed up to the apartment building where our friend was staying to check out the view. It was pretty amazing! Funny side story, we looked down and saw our friends Emi and Chase from Well Traveled Wife on the basketball court. Small world! ^^

^^After a few hours of walking around and exploring we decided to swing by Bob's Donuts to try one of their famous donuts. I am a huge donut fan and this was one of my favorites! ^^

^^ We had to stop by the Ferry Building for the farmer's market. I couldn't get enough of this fresh lavender. ^^


  1. Mama's has been on my must-dine list for about a year now! I'm trying to plan another trip up north and WILL be easting there lol :)

  2. Hey! Love your blog - glad you posted this on facebook. A late night run to Bob's was one of the first things Chris and I did when we were dating! I'm pretty sure that trip was more important to him than meeting his parents. We love that place too.

  3. Sounds like an excellent time!

  4. This sounds like a great spot, yum!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  5. I want some of that fresh lavender!!!!!

  6. That breakfast wow, beautiful pictures and lovely post x

  7. hahaha, still not over the crazy coincidence! Xo

  8. Your photo's are amazing! That food looks pretty amazing too. Oh man! Look at those breads! It looks like fun.

  9. Beautiful pictures. The food looks extremely good. Wonderful post looks very fun.

  10. I'm all the way in SC but the place looks gorgeous. We have a few places around here like that. And the donut place? I wouldn't be able to walk in there without one of everything!

  11. I'm hungry all over again seeing your brunch! You captured some really beautiful photos. San Francisco is definitely on my list of places to visit.

  12. It's great living next to a big city! I'm so jealous of all of the French toast in your photos mmm love it! :-) I made parsnip French toast recently, it was delicous!

  13. I love heading in to SF (we live outside Sacramento) -- it's my favorite city! We're headed to Oakland tonight for a concert. Not the same as SF, but it should be fun :)

  14. So fun! I'm loving all the pictures! And so glad the wait was worth it, such a waste of time when the food is bad... but I guess there's usually a long wait for good food! (:

  15. Looks like so much fun! And delicious. I miss that city every time I see all your pictures.

  16. Great photos! They capture your day pretty well, I must say.

  17. Looks like such a fun day! Holy cow 2 hours?! Awesome to hear it was worth it and will add it to our bucket list on our trip there {also on our bucket list} :)

  18. So fun! Makes me miss S.F. :)

  19. Two HOURS! Yikes! The food looks great, though. Congrats on crossing a spot off your list!

  20. I haven't been to SanFran, but hoping to soon. I think all the bright houses are adorable!

  21. That looks soooo good! I love SF!

  22. SF is one of my favorite cities. I really miss living in Ca!

  23. You guys are SO cute and that food looks delicious! I love the idea of brunch! It just makes me happy.

  24. OMG! 2 hour wait? That place must be really good! The food looks delish & it looks like you guys had a great time. I haven't had brunch in forever!

  25. Beautiful! I can't wait to go on a similar trip with my hubs. He's never been to SF and is dying to go!

  26. That brunch looks AMAZING! I love Salt Lake City, but San Fran has my heart...

  27. That last picture is my favorite - such a gorgeous view. I've always wanted to go to Cali, but still haven't made it west of South Dakota/Missouri/Iowa yet.

  28. Still loving the breakfast x

  29. Ok, I am so adding this place onto my SF to do list! I miss good brunches. We live in the south bay and there's not that much choice down here :( How are you liking the bay area? We love it here, it really is nice being so close to such a cool city!


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