
Friday, April 25, 2014

You Know You Live In An Apartment When...

We have lived in apartments since we got married but moving to the bay area brought apartment living to a whole new level. Our rent is easily the price of a mortgage in any other state but all we can do is laugh about it.

You know your neighbor's habits. When they take a shower, get home from work, make their protein shake...

Know exactly when "Rico" the dog in the apartment behind you will start barking 

You use a George Foreman for your toast/english muffins so that you don't take up extra space with a toaster

When furniture shopping you only look at vertical dressers because your bedroom isn't big enough for a horizontal one

Your coffee table also functions as a desk and dining room table because you don't have an eating area and there is no way a desk is fitting anywhere

You learn a bit of Korean from the soap operas that the little granny next door watches 

You finally start wearing an apron because your sink sprays water everywhere when you do dishes. 

Dish washers are just a wishful thought for the future. 

Your bed takes up your entire room

You know exactly how many days you have until you have to do laundry again by the number of underwear you have 

You dream of all the things you could do with a washer and dryer of your own 

You wince every time you try to park in your little carport, not an inch to spare 

Your fan becomes your most prized possession and you start to forget that air conditioning exists


  1. Hahahaha, this is perfect!!!! I love how we take the little appliances for granted. I know in our first apartment, we were supposed to have a washer and dryer, but they didn't get it put in before we moved in like they were supposed to and after a bunch of confusion, it took three weeks to get it in and I was so happy to see it, it was like Christmas!!!

  2. Oh my goodness yes to all of the above. I have also been apartment living for what feels like forever now, so when I find small space cheats to design I take them seriously! I also HATE how I cannot paint or put holes in my walls or run the dishwasher or washer after 9pm.... I mean what kind of life is that for us night owls?! :( sad day. I understand. Pinterest is the cure of small living- itis. I'm tellin ya!

  3. I can attest to MANY (but not all) of these, and they are cracking me up. We can literally hear our neighbors (who live below us) conversations NIGHTLY! It's insane!!

  4. Hahaha this is so perfect.
    The laundry one is DEAD ON.
    I never knew the things I would do for a disposal before this year!

  5. I can totally relate that living in the Bay Area is anything but cheap! Lived there my whole life until we moved to Washington 6 Months ago and wow I am not sure if I could ever go back to paying for everything except maybe breathing! Always my home though so I miss it!

  6. love it and i agree! yes, i did laundry based on how much undies i had left. also made me purchase a lot of undies for that reason too. also, when the hot water runs out...oh no!

  7. Oh my goodness, YES about the sink!

  8. haha Welcome to the Bay girly!! I agree with the fan thing especially this week!! Holy heck its hot!!!!

  9. Oh man - that heat wave last week was awful! We don't have AC either so it was windows open all night with the fan!

  10. OMG yeees! The laundry gat me so did the air con x

  11. I remember when we moved in to an apartment that had it's own washer and dryer.. no more lugging laundry to the parents house to wash - it was heaven!!

  12. This is so true! Apartment living can kind of be the pits at times.

  13. The George Foreman grill.... lol! :-)

  14. Apartment living at its finest! Great tip with the Foreman! Gotta try that!

  15. YES TO ALL OF IT!!! I have totally closed my eyes parking!! ha ha ha!! This is hilarious!!!

  16. Oh my gosh, yes. I dream of the day that we'll get out of apartment living, but I'm afraid we have a few more years. In Sacramento, I could never open the windows because our neighbor would sit and smoke on his porch constantly. So the fan was definitely our best friend. :-P You'll have some good memories/stories, though, right?

  17. I dont have apartment experience, hell I still live in my parents house, but these seem on par with my friends and their experiences.

  18. Oh man! These were great! I would die if we didn't have a washer and dryer of our own.


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