
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekend in Santa Cruz

A few weeks ago Tim and I watched an episode of Jimmy Fallon with Bill Cosby and we just died. Funniest thing ever! At the end of the show they said that he had an upcoming show in Santa Cruz in just a few weeks. Uhmmm what?! Santa Cruz is just about an hour south of us and we have been wanting to go check out that area anyways so we figured it was the perfect opportunity for a little weekend trip.

I packed up a few things for us, picked up Tim from work and off we went. The show was a blast. I was seriously crying by the end of it and had mascara smudged all over my face I'm sure. I absolutely loved it since I grew up loving the Cosby Show. It was also pretty hilarious that he was wearing cargo pants and a gym shirt. Ha! Only he could get away with that.

The next morning we got up and decided to check out some of the hot spots of Santa Cruz. We went to Natural Bridges State Beach and Seymore Marine Discovery Center in the morning. Did I mentioned that we saw dolphins and got to pet a shark? It felt like jello covered in sandpaper. So weird. 

That afternoon we walked around the boardwalk for a bit and ran into a whole bunch of sea lions who found a little dock. A couple people had their kayak down there and were trying to get in but the sea lions definitely wanted to play as well. One jumped in the kayak for a bit but luckily got out. They had a tiny baby with them which was definitely the cutest thing we've ever seen.

Once we got our fill of sea lion watching we grabbed lunch and ate a few too many treats while walking around downtown. We walked past Pacific Cookie Company and had to go in after how heavenly the aroma was. We split their Almond Joe chocolate dipped cookie and probably could have eaten about a dozen more! After walking around a bit more we encountered a MASSIVE swarm of BEES. Oh my word. I have never run away so fast. Terrifying. Luckily a guy yelled at us to stay away before we got to close.

We finished our afternoon with some blackberry ice cream from Marianne's and then headed up highway 1 back home. We were going to check out Ana Nuevo but it was closed for the afternoon. Guess we will just have to go back! ;-)


  1. What a fun little getaway for you guys! The show sounds like it was awesomely hilarious!

  2. That looks like so much fun! I am jealous! I love Santa Cruz

  3. How beautiful! Hmm, jello covered sandpaper huh? Lol hopefully it was a little bitty shark. I wanted the boyfriend to bring me a dolphin home last summer, he failed. It looks like you guys had aot of fun!

  4. Oh man, I love Santa Cruz! While you're in the Bay Area, you should check out the Winchester Mystery House, btw. It's fantastically weird.


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