
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekend Exploring

After spending all day on Friday painting end tables we decided to get out and do some exploring on Saturday. It was my mom's last day here so we wanted to go explore since Tim was off work but it was also General Conference. It ended up working out perfectly though since we were able to listen to it on the radio as we drove. By the way, I am so lucky to have a mom who flies out to visit me even though she is incredibly scared of flying and spends one of her days helping me paint end tables for our apartment. What a gem! 

We set out Saturday morning for Sausalito. Seriously the cutest little town. We made friends with the lady who ran the visitors center and she told us all about how she ended up there. She married a guy she met that day in NYC and followed him out to Sausalito and she is still there 42 years later. Pretty crazy if you tell me! We loved walking around the shops and walking along the water looking at the gorgeous view of the city.

The rest of the day was spent eating yummy food, checking out Golden Gate Park, going to the top of Twin Peaks, and stopping by the Marine Mammal Center. I seriously loved that place! It is kind of in the middle of nowhere outside of Sausalito but it is a little marine animal hospital for elephant seals and sea lions etc that need some help before they are reintroduced into the wild. It's free and you just walk around and get to see the animals and there are people walking around to answer questions. It was super sad though to see one being carted out that had died that they couldn't save.

Anyways, we had such a great weekend and were happy to see the sun out after a long week of rain. We ended the weekend with a potluck with some new friends from church. It has been a ton of fun getting to know people here and making new friendships. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!


  1. I want to come visit you!!!!!!! GAH!!!!! Too bad all of my monies are being sucked up by a house this year :P Bah humbug, but a good bah humbug ;)

  2. Looks great and sounds like a fun day.

  3. For a second I thought that was a real seal and I was like.... WOOAHH!!

  4. One of my favorite places! Despite living just an hour and a half away, every time I go to San Francisco I turn into a cheesy tourist. I just love the city.

  5. This looks so fun! I love your panoramic photo on the bottom! Love this!

  6. The seal looks so realistic! Love the beautiful view.

  7. Looks like such a fun day! The view is gorgeous!


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