
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Epic Easter

We had such a fun Easter this year. We got together with some of our new friends in the ward and decided to throw an Easter bash together.

We started our evening with peep wars. Essentially you put two peeps on a plate and stick a toothpick in each one and whichever peep stabs the other wins. It was quite the battle.

We followed that with dinner out on the patio with an amazing spread of food. We were quite proud of ourselves with our line up. Shish kabobs, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, asparagus and little bundt cakes for dessert.

Afterwards we had an egg roll competition. We dyed easter eggs and then would roll them across the floor and the first one to crack would lose. This was probably the funniest event of the night and we are definitely going to have to carry forth the tradition.

After a few more games we called it a night. It was definitely an Easter to remember. We are so thankful to have formed so many great friendships and are excited for the new ones we are making. Hope you all enjoyed your Easter as well!


  1. Ok peep wars?! I hate the taste, but i'd buy some (if they were available to me) just for a peep war! Hilarious. I even told my husband and he agreed. So funny! Happy Easter!

  2. Oh my gosh, Kelsey!! This looks like so much fun!! I want to do Peeps wars tonight!

  3. You guys are so awesome!! Glad you had a nice Easter :)

  4. Haha, peep wars? How did those go?

  5. Both of those games sound like so much fun! I am going to have to remember these for next year :D


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