
Friday, February 21, 2014

Goodbyes Softened by Sweets

Goodbyes are never easy but they seem to go a little smoother when you break them up rather than saying goodbye to everyone all at once. Last night I said goodbye to some of my sweet blogging friends over some delicious Bruges Waffles and Frites. It is pretty neat to think that the relationship that I have formed with each one of them was because of this blog. I wish I would have had the chance to say goodbye to so many more of you!

Today I had my last day of work. I was suppose to leave around 1 but kept putting it off and finally ended up leaving around 3. Even though it has been such a short time there it has definitely been the best place to work! I feel so lucky to have learned so much and been surrounded by such great people even if it was just for a few months. It was hard not to cry when I went in the back and found my coworkers all standing there with a signed card, the cutest ice cream cake, and some sparkling cider. I wish I could take my job with me to California!

This coming week brings lots more goodbyes but it is so nice to know that we will be back for lots of visits. I am so excited for this big step in our lives! Bring on the change. :)


  1. Ah, you have great coworkers!!! We're going to miss you, but I'm excited for your new adventure!! :)

  2. WHAT!??! Your party was tonight I thought?!?!?!

  3. So bittersweet! You will be missed here in Utah!!

  4. I'm sorry I couldn't attend--I REEEALLY wanted to see you before you left! I'll def miss you but I'm beyond excited for what's in store for you both, so it's not as stinky :).

    XO and I'm way glad y'all had a blast! Ready for life in SF :D??

  5. Forget wrapping dishes, lugging furniture, and driving cross country. Goodbyes are the hardest part of moving, especially in such a sweet, close-knit community. Wishing you all kinds of luck in your travels and adjusting to your new life!

  6. That is so sweet of your coworkers! I'm glad that you are able to say goodbye with the help of sweets - they make everything a little easier :)

  7. This will be so fun! It's a great time to move states, pre-family. We are contemplating leaving AZ next February and it's daunting with two small kids! It's not as easy to hoof it when they need routine :) I am excited for you and you'll be easier to visit since my sister and best friend lve there too!

  8. awwww so nice of your co-workers!! def excited for a new adventure for you :)

  9. Aww! This is really sweet. That cake looks good. I wish you the best!

  10. I REALLY need to catch up on your blog -- this new adventure sounds exciting!! What a cute cake you got on your last day. You are adorable!! :)

  11. I am so far behind! California! How awesome! :)

  12. Oh man girl, wish I could have said goodbye! And yes, those waffles are THE best! Is that the new place in sugar house they just opened? And you will LOVE california, where you moving to specifically again?

  13. It is hard to say goodbye but I am excited to see what California has in store for you!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes


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