
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Food, Friends, and Music

We had such a fun weekend that it would be a shame not to document it. When Tim and I were first married we realized that sometimes weekends got kind of lonely. We were new to Salt Lake City and didn't really know anybody. We quickly learned that weekends are more fun when they are filled with fun experiences with people we love being around. This weekend was no exception! 

^^ Friday night at the Google Fiber Launch party. Our good friends the New Electric Sound were invited to play at the event. We had such a blast even though it was freezing cold. ^^  


^^ Afterwards we were famished so we grabbed some dinner with friends at the Riverwoods ^^

^^ Saturday afternoon we met up with some of my in-laws and went to the Salt Lake winter farmer's market. I may have found my new favorite food truck CupBop. YUM! ^^ 

^^ That night we met up with some friends for a night of bowling and an Indian feast. We decided to get creative with some of our moves. I can't stop laughing at how ridiculous this picture is. ^^ 

^^ Thanks to Meera and Surya for making this incredible Indian feast. It was so yummy. ^^ 

^^ Cheers to a weekend of amazing food and wonderful friends! We feel so lucky to be constantly surrounded by wonderful people. ^^ 


  1. where is the winter farmers market???

  2. That bowling picture is cracking me up!! hahaha I LOVE SLC. Some day I will be back living there. I hope :)

  3. That does sound like a great weekend!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. I love that adorable red headband of yours! Looks like fun!!!

  5. This sounds like the perfect weekend! I can't wait to visit Utah, hopefully sometime soon :-) you and your husband are so cute!!

  6. i love good fun, filled weekends. also, your headband/turban thing is super cute!! i need to get me one of those.

  7. You are completely right! I was sad to miss the launch party, it looked like so much fun :)

    And you are right, that bowling picture has some serious form

  8. You guys are so cute - love the squat :) And I wish your Indian friends would teach me how to cook Indian; it's my favorite!

  9. Weekends spent with friends are so fun! I'm not super great at bowling--but I've always found that to be even more fun when you get a little silly with it! :P

  10. Mmmm INDIAN! My husband went on his mission to India and makes a mean curry. And we've ALMOST mastered tikka masala. OH my yum.


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